My wife wanted her first car and I wanted another moke, went to look at one and she loved it, brought it on Visa card then & there .

The modifications so far have included mags, hi-los, cut out front panel, custom dash, a few motor mods, morris 1100 radiator.

My best trip in a moke would have to be, any of the MOA extended trips Ive been on, Birdsville twice & Cameron corner, Kangeroo Island. No big Mishap unless you count breaking fan and radiator mount 200k's from anywhere.

Our longest trip would have to be Birdsville, about 4500k's in 2 weeks but my most embarrasing moment was probably, loosing the spare wheel 100k's South east of Birdsville (but that's a whole story in it's own).

My reason for keeping the Moke is that I can still fix it quicker than it breaks down (only just).

The places I like to drive most are bush tracks or winding roads.

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